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News >>  Market News >> Notice of the national development and Reform Commission on reducing the price of domestic refined oil prices to simplify the operation mode of price adjustment and other related matters, the electric power [2016]26 number

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Notice of the national development and Reform Commission on reducing the price of domestic refined oil prices to simplify the operation mode of price adjustment and other related matters, the electric power [2016]26 number

Number of visits:30 Date:2021-09-30
Provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, Xinjiang production and construction corps development and Reform Commission, the price bureau, China National Petroleum Corporation, China Petrochemical Corp, China National Offshore Oil corporation:

According to the recent changes in the international market oil prices, in accordance with the refined oil price formation mechanism, the decision to reduce the price of refined oil. After the price adjustment, the price adjustment mode of operation. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

One, reduce the price of refined oil

(a) since January 13, 2016 24, the domestic gasoline and diesel prices (standard goods, the same below) were down 140 yuan per ton and 135 yuan. After adjustment,

The production and operation of enterprises for national oil reserves, Xinjiang production and construction corps with gasoline and diesel prices were 5965 yuan per ton and 5020 yuan; the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the central city of gasoline and diesel maximum retail price schedule. For fisheries, forestry, land reclamation by temporarily for the Xinjiang production and Construction Corps oil price with gasoline and diesel supply prices; other related oil price policy according to the provisions of the "measures" oil price management implementation.

(two) the relevant price linkage and subsidy policies are implemented in accordance with the current regulations.

Two, to simplify the operation of refined oil price adjustment

(a) since the next price adjustment, the national development and Reform Commission no longer issued price adjustment file, announced the price adjustment information to information release form, specifically in the national development and Reform Commission portal website "news center" column query.

(two) the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) price departments can be combined with the local reality, in the form of documents or information released in the form of local gasoline, diesel standard and non-standard products, the highest wholesale prices and the highest retail price.

National Development and Reform Commission

January 13, 2016

TypeInfo: Market News