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Notice of the national development and Reform Commission on reducing the price of domestic refined oil to change electric [2015]414 number

Number of visits:33 Date:2021-09-30
Provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, Xinjiang production and construction corps development and Reform Commission, the price bureau, China National Petroleum Corporation, China Petrochemical Corp, China National Offshore Oil corporation:

According to the recent changes in the international market oil prices, in accordance with the existing product oil price formation mechanism, decided to reduce the price of refined oil. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

First, oil production for the military and the Xinjiang production and Construction Corps, the state reserves with gasoline and diesel (standard, the same below) supply prices were reduced 265 yuan per ton, adjusted gasoline and diesel supply prices were 6875 per ton and 5900 yuan. Other refined oil price adjustment. Adjusted standard for refined oil products, see Annex 1.

Two, for transport, civil aviation and other special users of gasoline and diesel supply for the highest price adjustment. Adjusted gasoline and diesel standards for the highest supply price of 7275 yuan per ton and 6300 yuan. Among them, for fisheries, forestry, land reclamation Zanan price for military execution with gasoline and diesel supply prices.

Three, local gasoline and diesel maximum retail price and wholesale price equal to adjust. After the adjustment of the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the central city gasoline and diesel retail price level of the highest in Annex 2.

Four, other relevant price policy according to the "oil price management measures (Trial)", the implementation of.

Five, the highest LPG prices to maintain parity between 0.89:1 supply and price determination for the Army Department with 90 gasoline, in both supply and demand can not exceed the maximum prices negotiated under the premise of specific price.

Six, the price adjustment execution time of 24 in July 21, 2015.

Seven, the relevant price linkage and subsidies in accordance with the existing provisions of the implementation.

Eight, PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC company to organize the production and distribution of oil products to ensure a steady supply of the market; and urge enterprises to strictly implement the price policy, consciously maintain the market price order.

Nine, price departments at all levels should strengthen the price supervision and inspection, crack down on all kinds of price violations, and earnestly safeguard the stability of the finished oil market. At the same time to strengthen the oil market dynamics and price monitoring, abnormal situation, timely report and cooperate with the relevant departments to take measures to deal with.

National Development and Reform Commission

July 21, 2015

TypeInfo: Market News