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Domestic refined oil market in March 3, 2015

Number of visits:80 Date:2021-09-30
East China market

Gasoline market: Jiangsu gasoline prices are down 100 yuan, Sinopec, the five China 92# gasoline fell 7750 yuan / ton, compared with four in 93# gasoline fell 100 yuan / ton, the actual transaction can still see the amount of preferential 50-100 yuan / ton; PetroChina, CNOOC to be temporarily stabilized, Sinopec resources are slightly nervous. From the main sales company, the price did not drive in the downstream pick enthusiasm, currently available in the market "No one shows any interest in" to describe, trading a little light. Shanghai, Zhejiang area main gasoline prices steady, at the beginning of the month in which delivery pressure, Zhejiang main shipping intend to go, the actual transaction according to the actual situation of customer preference. At present, the region's five 92# to reconcile resource prices in the 7000-7300 yuan / ton range, by the policy to suppress, relatively few resources, the price is relatively strong, the price of shipping. Diesel Market: Shanghai, Zhejiang's main and social unit of diesel main steady until the city, the actual transaction can you see the amount of downstream receiving goods will remain low, sluggish market buying and selling. Jiangsu is now the first decline of Sinopec diesel operation, including 0# Pu Chai lock price fell to 5920 yuan / ton, four 0# car diesel 6250 yuan / ton; PetroChina, CNOOC's price was steady, but the actual shipment is loose, the CNOOC Pu Chai single can benefit to 5750 yuan / ton, four vehicle diesel single can benefit to 5950 yuan / ton. However, the current industry to digest inventory based, so that the price is difficult to promote the amount of cold delivery of the atmosphere. Market forecast: continuous delivery pressure, and the main social unit price will gradually make the gasoline by local resources, tight support, price stability or consolidation, diesel or continue to have mild signs of decline tomorrow.

Central China market

Gasoline and diesel market: as investors continued to worry about the increasing excess supply was Monday, U.S. crude oil futures fell, oil prices gave up early gains, the London Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) Brent crude futures fell $3.04 to $59.54 a barrel, down 4.9%, for the biggest one-day drop since February 4th. Crude oil fell hurt mobile weighted rate down to 1.50%, to a certain extent, to suppress the domestic oil industry operating confidence, central China's main gasoline and diesel prices basically stable, only Jiangxi, Hubei and other places the actual shipping discount rate increase, the oil and gas resources in Hubei in some areas is still relatively tight, stopped preserving zero the main. At present, the middle and lower reaches of the operators to operate the poor, the area of gasoline and diesel performance is weak. Market forecast: tomorrow is expected in Central China gasoline and diesel prices steady a stay low, do not rule out the possibility of dark parts of Ming steady fall, short-term market turnover or a small one mainly.

North China market

Main unit: Beijing area 92# gasoline 7470-7520 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday's flat; 95# gasoline 8250-8300 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday. Tianjin area 92# gasoline 7400-7500 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday's flat; 95# gasoline 8350-8450 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday's flat; 0# diesel traded 6250-6350 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday flat. Hebei area 93# gasoline 7725-7775 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday's flat; 97# gasoline 8185-8235 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday's flat; 0# diesel traded 5705-5755 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday flat. Shanxi area 93# gasoline 7550-7600 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday's flat; 97# gasoline 8313-8363 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday's flat; 0# diesel traded 5950-6000 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday flat. Henan area 93# gasoline 7400-7500 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday's flat; 0# diesel traded 5950-6000 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday's flat. Shandong 93# gasoline turnover 7150-7250 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday fell 550 yuan / ton; 97# gasoline sold 7950-8000 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday fell 290 yuan / ton; 0# diesel sold 5450-5500 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday fell 300 yuan / ton; -10# diesel sold 5500-5550 yuan / ton, down 350 yuan / yesterday ton. Place: Tianjin LAN-STAR 93# refinery refinery gasoline 6000 yuan / ton, down 100 yuan / ton; -10# diesel 4900 yuan / ton; 4# oil 4100 yuan / ton to 2250 yuan / ton oil slurry. Outlook: the recent promotion of the terminal needs to be slow, the middle of the consumption of inventory based, the main unit shipments deserted, North China oil prices fell short of risk.

Northeast market

Main unit: Heilongjiang area 93# gasoline 7077-7127 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday; -35# diesel turnover 6830-6880 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday. Jilin area 93# gasoline 7557-7607 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday rose 513 yuan / ton; -35# diesel traded 7110-7160 yuan / ton, up 753 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday. Liaoning 93# gasoline turnover 7100-7150 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday; 0# diesel sold 5800-5850 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday; -10# diesel sold 6120-6170 yuan / ton, up rose 320 yuan / ton; -35# diesel sold 6150-6200 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday's transient stability. Local refineries: Liaoning Panjin North Lek -35# non-standard diesel price 4800 yuan / ton, down 100 yuan / ton, the density of 0.85. Atmospheric naphtha price 5470 yuan / ton, the density of 0.75. Market forecast: the terminal needs to upgrade slowly, intermediate consumption inventory, the main unit is deserted, the northeast to stabilize oil prices expected recent situation.

Shandong refining

Prices and the purchase and sale market: Market: gasoline, gasoline refining continued sporadic push the price, rose 50-110 yuan / ton, the most stable price refinery shipments, the Chinese four 93# gasoline mainstream turnover in 6600-6650 yuan / ton. Delivery, because the middle lower reaches of the main digestive inventory, delivery will take the amount of the general average, but the pace of the refinery, currently low inventory operation. On the other, Hebei, Henan and other gas tight resources, provincial procurement industry, favorable area gasoline prices firm. The diesel market, refining diesel prices operation yesterday increased, the decline in the 30-70 yuan / ton, some manufacturers that fell in three stable dark, -10# diesel turnover in 4950-5000 yuan / ton. It is understood that the current refinery diesel inventory low, but the individual is relatively high, the whole area of diesel oil is rich in resources, but the actual demand, the market outlook are the industry more cautious market, be needed into the main refinery diesel shipments were flat. Market forecast: according to the understanding of Shandong's main gasoline and diesel price fell sharply, but the surrounding part of city resources tight situation, it is expected tomorrow to refining gasoline and diesel prices continued to steadily rise sporadically, according to the actual situation of customers flexible and preferential.

Northwest market

Main market: northwest main market stability, volatility in international oil price trend, increase the market atmosphere, sales unit price stability operation, see the market changes, and demand is relatively low, the industry purchasing intention to lower the number of on-demand operation, social inventory digestion gentle, market sales performance deserted. As of now, the northwest region 93# gasoline prices in 7360-7820 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday. 0# diesel price at 5915-6445 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday, -10# diesel price at 6170-6830 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday, -20# diesel price at 6675-7150 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday, -35# diesel price at 7190-7410 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday.

Southern China Market

Guangdong area: the outer disk turned down, the domestic oil industry hit the market outlook optimistic mood, coupled with the current gasoline and diesel prices in Guangdong has risen to a high level, the possibility of rise in the absence of significant positive factors to promote the current market demand is limited, and the sluggish performance, in addition to oil in the gasoline rose 50 yuan / P ton, Sinopec and CNOOC listed price of gasoline and diesel have no obvious fluctuations, most of the main actual transaction quantity discount 50-150 yuan / ton. Operators in the middle and lower reaches of the initiative is still more general, the market demand for the flat end of the flat, the main area of the area is relatively flat, if the crude oil continues to downstream does not rule out the possibility of high prices of gasoline and diesel prices. Other areas: Fujian and Hainan gasoline and diesel prices continue to keep steady, the transaction volume discount 50-100 yuan / ton, the market demand flat, downstream industry demand, large single is fresh. Market forecast: if crude oil is expected to continue to decline, the early rise to relatively high in Guangdong area, the price of gasoline and diesel or dangerous highs, including diesel prices more likely, the market demand in the short term or remain flat with small turnover situation, main material.