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Domestic refined oil market in February 3, 2015

Number of visits:77 Date:2021-09-30
Tuesday (February 03)

The East China market: Gasoline Market: Shanghai CNOOC 92# gasoline rose to 5600 yuan / ton, PetroChina, Sinopec gas station take the amount of price stability, retail support. The price of gasoline due to downward adjustment of Jiangsu and Zhejiang area, including Jiangsu South of Jiangsu Sinopec in five 92# gasoline shipments generally adjusted to 5400-5450 yuan / ton, the single continued benefits; in the Zhejiang area of four 93# have large gasoline 5100-5200 yuan / ton shipment price. Shandong gasoline refining operation push the price driven, East China region has pushed the price performance of social units, of which Jiangsu Xinhai petrochemical gasoline prices pushed two days, the cumulative increase of 350 yuan / ton, of which 93# country four gasoline 5250 yuan / ton, four 97# gasoline 5750 yuan / ton, five 92# gasoline 5650 yuan / ton, single transaction preferential. It is understood that the bullish effect, some industry spring festival stocking in advance, gasoline trading market is slightly better, but still small fast mode. Market: Shanghai diesel oil, Sinopec to price stability, the bottom line turnover is slightly raised, including Sinopec large shipments still benefit to 4980 yuan / ton. CNOOC 0# Pu Chai offer pushed to 4950 yuan / ton, turnover can be 50-80 yuan / ton or so, less than two barrels of oil, shipping is better. Jiangsu main diesel deal a slight loosening of the high, because of the high price of resources in the middle and lower prices, the price of the shipping market is less than expected, closing the appropriate lower. Sinopec, Zhejiang Province, the company's guidance to offer up, Ningbo, Wenzhou and other places Sinopec diesel rose slightly, but the overall amount of the branch is still the first, deal with preferential policies do not change. Social units, Jiangsu Xinhai petrochemical diesel cumulative push the price of 150 yuan, of which 0# diesel 5350 yuan / ton, country three diesel 5450 yuan / ton; in four 0# diesel 5650 yuan / ton. Terminal actual demand constraints, although expected to rise, but operators are still cautious, on-demand with the use of the main, but the area is warmer than the previous shipments. Outlook: on the current market in East China refined oil market to see the future, the possibility of a large drop in gasoline and diesel prices are larger, the main aspect or according to customer flexible concessions, social units or have continued to push prices.

China market: gasoline and diesel as traders concerned the potential production of the refinery, strike and Chinese weak manufacturing data to calm on Monday, news, international oil prices rose to nearly a month high, the latest mobile weighted rate up to 3.68%, for the price adjustment after sixth working days. Crude oil rose to boost the domestic oil industry confidence in the market outlook, on the price adjustment is expected to gradually, the main part of the listing price of gasoline and diesel in Central China will push up gasoline, which showed no significant fluctuations, but fell to a low - price of diesel is rose slightly, but the actual transaction price is still relatively low. The fluctuation is not obvious, the main exploratory push the price of downstream industry at present, but the actual transaction inquiry more, the increment is limited, the overall market sales remained flat. Outlook: do not rule out the central region of central China is expected to continue to push up the possibility of gasoline and diesel prices.

North China market: the main unit: Hebei 0# diesel oil traded 4850-4900 yuan / ton, up 50 yuan / ton yesterday, -10# diesel 4900-4950 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday rose 50 yuan / ton. Henan area 93# gasoline 5350-5400 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday rose 275 yuan / ton; 0# diesel traded 5200-5250 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday rose 500 yuan / ton; -10# diesel traded 5300-5350 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday fell 550 yuan / ton. Shandong area 93# gasoline 5050-5100 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday rose 200 yuan / ton; 0# diesel traded 5000-5050 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday rose 50 yuan / ton; -10# diesel traded 5100-5150 yuan / ton, compared with yesterday rose 50 yuan / ton. Place: Tianjin LAN-STAR 93# refinery refinery gasoline 4570 yuan / ton, up 150 yuan / ton; -10# diesel 4500 yuan / ton, up 150 yuan / ton. Hebei ZOJE 2# fuel oil (Chang Chai) offer 5000 yuan / ton, up 150 yuan / ton; 4# light fuel oil (hydrogenation) offer 4600 yuan / ton, up 150 yuan / ton. Market forecast: the rate of change of crude oil continued to deepen the positive, the expected increase in. The Spring Festival is approaching, the incremental demand for gasoline, and dealers do not buy or buy up the mentality, the transaction will be improved. Expected in the near future in the North China market prices of gasoline and diesel prices continue to push up.

Northeast market: main unit: Heilongjiang 93# gasoline sold 6550-6600 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday; 97# gasoline sold 7437-7487 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday; 0# diesel sold 5695-5745 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday; -10# diesel sold 6040-6090 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday; -20# diesel sold 6327-6377 yuan / ton yesterday, the same; -35# diesel sold 6350-6400 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday. Liaoning 93# gasoline turnover 6720-6770 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday; 97# gasoline sold 7437-7487 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday; 0# diesel sold 5545-5595 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday; -10# diesel sold 6040-6090 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday; -20# diesel sold 6327-6377 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday; -35# diesel engine turnover of 6557-6607 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday. Place: Liaoning petrochemical refinery Bora -20# diesel tax price of 4480 yuan / ton, up 200 yuan / ton, with organic heat carrier tickets 4606 yuan / ton, up 200 yuan / ton, the density of 0.83. Shenyang wax 0# diesel oil with chemical ticket price 4300 yuan / ton, up 100 yuan / ton, the density of 0.83; -20# diesel 4600 yuan / ton, up 100 yuan / ton, the density of 0.83. Outlook: the Spring Festival approaching, the gasoline demand is expected to increase in the near future, the Northeast market gasoline and diesel prices will be improved, the area of oil prices or up space.

Shandong to refining: price trends and market: the purchase and sale of gasoline market, push the price of refinery operation is yesterday unabated, country four gasoline shipments rose more mainstream 93#
Northwest market: the main market in the region: the main market of gasoline and diesel prices to price stability, international oil prices rose to boost the atmosphere of refined oil market, some businesses will gradually push up the market, slightly positive boost, the Spring Festival approaching, the industry to advance stockpile operating atmosphere, so the demand is still lackluster terminal, industry operation remain cautious, wait-and-see attitude increased, the overall performance of the purchase and sale of light. As of now, the northwest region 93# gasoline prices in 6300-7110 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday. 0# diesel price at 5220-5765 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday, -10# diesel price at 5535-6130 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday, -20# diesel price at 5800-6935 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday, -35# diesel price at 6010-6625 yuan / ton, unchanged from yesterday.

Southern China Market: Guangdong area: crude oil and rose, has been rising continuously for three days, give the domestic refined oil market was to boost the value of the rate of change has positive upward, not for a long time now the price adjustment is expected to gradually, since the weekend Guangdong main gasoline and diesel prices began to push up, continue to rally, Sinopec gasoline jumped 200 yuan / ton, diesel rose more than 100 yuan / ton, gasoline in the oil price has rose 200 yuan / ton, diesel rose 50 yuan / ton, CNOOC both gasoline and diesel rose 50 yuan / ton, most of the main actual shipment discount rate at 50-100 yuan / ton. At present, due to the rise of crude oil, Shandong and Guangdong to refining and gasoline and diesel prices rally national leader. According to the main sources, the current situation is slightly better than early shipment, also said no obvious changes, the overall market sales and price rise as quickly as the atmosphere warms up. Other areas: the main gasoline and diesel in Fujian area listing prices continue to stabilize, but the actual transaction price rose slightly, the main said there is willingness to push the price, downstream industry more moderate replenishment, the market purchase and sale is more active; refined oil market in Hainan will continue to maintain price stability is weak market, the main price stability to be shipment, tepid, mainly small turnover. Outlook: the car is expected to Guangdong area gasoline prices or continue to maintain a high level, the middle and lower reaches of the industry or in the purchase price under the mentality of the appropriate replenishment.