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The Group donated 1 million yuan to Wenchuan disaster victims

Number of visits:229 Date:2021-09-30

On the afternoon of May 15, Guangdong Province Returned Overseas Chinese Association held the earthquake relief donation ceremony at China Southern Securities Building. Chairman of the Group, Mr. Lan Chuhan, accompanied by Director of the Office Su Xiaoyan, and executive deputy general manager of Nanyang Guansheng Hotel, Yang Shaoliang, attended the ceremony, and donated 1 million yuan at the ceremony to people affected by the Wenchuan earthquake on behalf of the Group. Vice-President of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, and President of Guangdong Province Returned Overseas Chinese Association, Wang Rongbao, executive vice president of Chaozhou Overseas Friendship Association in Guangdong, Wang Shanrong, well-known painter Wu Boru, Nan Lingmei and other people attended the ceremony. The ceremony attracted the attention of Guangdong TV, Southern TV and other media.
Chairman Wang Rongbao delivered a speech at the meeting. She pointed out that after Provincial Returned Overseas Chinese Association put forward the proposal for disaster relief, the overseas Chinese have been actively responding to the call and donate money and love to the disaster areas. She especially pointed out that as the Honorary Chairman of Jieyang Returned Overseas Chinese Association, vice president of Poit Ip Huay Kuan in Singapore, and chairman and CEO of Guangzhou Guansheng Group, Lan Chuhan, responded positively to the call of Provincial Returned Overseas Chinese Association, and donated 1 million to Provincial Returned Overseas Chinese Association via Jieyang Returned Overseas Chinese Association for disaster relief, reflecting the sincere love and a high sense of social responsibility of a private entrepreneur! She, on behalf of the Provincial Returned Overseas Chinese Association, expressed sincere gratitude to all overseas Chinese people's for their enthusiasm with disaster relief!
Chairman Wang Rongbao hosted the donation ceremony after the speech. Chairman Wang Rongbao and other Provincial Returned Overseas Chinese Association leaders accepted the donations by check. After the ceremony, Chairman Lan Chuhan was interviewed by media reporters. He pointed out in an interview that the contributions represented our treasure and concerns for the living and life our affected compatriots, which carried our love. They hoped that the people in disaster areas would ride out the storm as soon as possible, resume production and rebuild their homes! (Photographed and reported by Ye Zhisheng)




Chairman Lan Chuhan (third from right) attended the Disaster Relief Ceremony held by Provincial Returned Overseas Chinese Association

Chairman Lan Chuhan donated 1 million yuan for disaster relief to the Provincial Returned Overseas Chinese Association on behalf of the Group

  Chairman Lan Chuhan was interviewed by Guangdong TV

TypeInfo: Company news